After a few days of frantically trying to catch up on everything I let lapse around here, it's time once again to sit down and catch up on what's going on in the blog world.
Here's the continuation and completion of the giraffe:
The first layer of the background was filled in, and the salient spots were chalked in on her face.
The first colors were blocked in.
Several layers and glazes were added.
And here is the final result:
24" x 12", acrylic on hardboard
© 2010, Lisa Walsh
I submitted this to the Cincinnati Art Club's
Viewpoint Show. I have my fingers and paintbrushes crossed that it gets accepted into the show. If it does, that'll be a big first in my fledgling art career.
There was a submission deadline for the show, and I didn't leave myself enough 'comfort time' to get her done. You think I would have learned by now, but I cut my time too short, and wound up doing marathon painting sessions to finish her by deadline. Now I see at least a dozen things that I would change, but it's too late. I need some 'simmer' time to take a break from a piece and come back to look at it with fresh eyes. Lesson learned.
And another lesson learned...I had the yen to clean up the Picasa account that Google so happily supplies when a Blogger account is created. I went through what was there, sorting and organizing, and deleting the things that somehow seemed to multiply on their own, or no longer seemed useful or pertinent.
You know when you go to delete something, and a little dialogue box pops up and says "Are you sure you want to do that?", and you just mindlessly click "Yes, of course I want to do that, why do you keep asking me, you're really getting to be an annoying little dialogue box." Well, I failed to
completely read the annoying little dialogue box. If I had, I would have realized that the annoying little dialogue box was telling me that whatever I deleted from Picasa was also simultaneously being deleted from this Blog.
I had wiped out about three quarters of the blog photos before I realized the swath of destruction I was creating, and there was no way to undo it.
Well, there were a lot of bloggy-type things I needed to catch up on. Add 'replace photos' to the list.