
Saturday, November 6, 2010

A Kinda Likable Oops

In between pressing winterizing tasks around the house (it got into the 20's here last night...brrrrrrr.  I was all set to complain about it, but the poor folks in northern Indiana got several inches of snow, so I'll just shut up), I was determined to fit in just a bit of art.  So I did a quick giraffe sketch (gotta go with what you love), and then for a change of pace, quickly outlined the sketch in India ink. 

As I began to fill in the form with some acrylic ink, the India ink began to run into my nice, clean colors, giving the giraffe an undesirable muddy skin condition.  In my haste, I had grabbed the water soluble India ink, rather than the waterproof one.    Oh well.  I had already begun, so might as well go with the flow, so to speak.  After that, ink was just brushed on with abandon.

After all was said and done, I rather liked this girl, if for nothing else than for her spontaneity, looseness and complete lack of an over-calculated attempt at control.   She's fresh, if a tad mucky, and was a blessed half an hour of just devil-may-care painting.


Pat said...

I love her. The side in shadow complements the main parts beautifully :)

debwardart said...

Turned out very cool! I have a friend who uses inks and she's done some amazing work. (Of course I bought some and they have never been opened - may have to open them now . . . . Oh, you actually have to paint with them!!! Gee . . . .) (LOL)

Cynthia Schelzig said...

Love how you go with the flow. I clicked on the first pix of the guy with no color and I must say the eye is so alive...looks like he is looking at me:)...I actually like the version without any color due to your painting of that beautiful eye:) plus I love the composition of cutting off his nose.

RH Carpenter said...

Well, this doesn't look like a mistake at all!